

June 19, 2013 01:56

June 18, 2013 22:58

June 18, 2013 22:16

June 18, 2013 19:14

June 18, 2013 18:26

June 18, 2013 13:39

June 18, 2013 13:04

June 18, 2013 07:54

  • Deputy speaker of the Georgian Parliament Manana Kobakhidze. Photo by Inna Kukudzhanova for the "Caucasian Knot" Georgia initiates changes to the Constitution

    The Georgian MPs have initiated amendments to the Constitution regarding the powers of the Government and the Prime Minister. The amendments assume to allow the persons-holders of dual citizenship to hold high state posts and to reduce the quorum for adopting amendments to the Constitution.

June 18, 2013 05:54

June 18, 2013 03:03

  • Attorney of a builder beaten up in Sochi reports inaction of law enforcement bodies

    No criminal case against the policemen who beat up two builders of Olympic objects has been initiated yet, the builder’s attorney Alexander Boichenko told the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent in the evening of June, 17. According to the lawyer, he cannot receive a determination of refusal to start criminal proceedings from the investigation.

June 18, 2013 02:23

  • Works on bank protection of Imereti lowland are in process along the seashore. Sochi, June, 8, 2013. Photo by Svetlana Kravchenko for the “Caucasian Knot” Professor Maltsev: the project of bank protection is dangerous for Imereti lowland

    Works on bank protection of Imereti lowland are in process along the seashore from the Mzymta to the Psou rivers. Professor Viacheslav Maltsev, Doctor of Engineering, warns about the danger of this project realized within the framework of preparation for the Olympics. The activists of territorial public self-government declare illegality of these works.

June 18, 2013 00:50

June 17, 2013 19:08

  • Vano Merabishvili. Photo by Anna Konoplyeva for the "Caucasian Knot" Former Georgian Premier Merabishvili goes on hunger strike in jail

    Vano Merabishvili, the General Secretary of the Party "United National Movement" and the former Prime Minister of Georgia, accused of a number of corruption-related crimes, has begun a hunger strike demanding to put a TV-set into his cell and allow his relatives to make use of his bank accounts, said his advocate Georgi Chiviashvili.

June 17, 2013 18:47

  • Elena and Mikhail Savva in court, June 17, 2013. Krasnodar: court allows Mikhail Savva's wife to defend him

    On June 17, the Krasnodar Territorial Court considered the complaint lodged by the advocates of the arrested Professor Mikhail Savva to the ruling of the district court to extend his custody. The Court upheld the ruling finding the decision of the Oktiabrskiy District Court to be lawful and justified.

June 17, 2013 17:23

  • Week in the Caucasus: review of main events of June 10-16

    Court removes Mayor of Makhachkala Said Amirov from office, and his suicide attempt in SIZO was reported; refusal of Russian government from building Kudepsta TPP in Sochi; start of hearing on the merits of the case of former city manager of Stavropol Igor Bestuzhy; strike of lawyers in Armenia against non-transparent methods of country Court of Cassation; sentence for hostage taking in Astrakhan by using mock firearm and bomb, – look these and other events in the Caucasus in the review of the week of June 10-16, 2013, prepared by the"Caucasian Knot".

June 17, 2013 16:29

June 17, 2013 14:46

June 17, 2013 14:10

  • Weapons. Georgia's MIA reports detection of hides with firearms and torture videos

    Underground hidings with the weapons intended to conduct large-scale warfare, a video archive of torture and lists of people, planned for detention on trumped-up charges, were found in Georgia, Nino Giorgobiani, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), has reported today. According to the MIA, its former officials had to do with the hides.

June 17, 2013 12:40

  • Mehman Guseinov. Photo by Turkhan Kerimov (RFE/RL) Azerbaijani journalist not allowed to leave his country to participate in the Gerd Bucerius Award ceremony

    Member of Azerbaijani Institute of Freedom and Safety of Reporters (IFSR) Mehman Guseinov was detained on June 17, in the airport of Baku. The reporter was not let to fly from the country to Norway for participation in the ceremony of awarding him with prestigious international Gerd Bucerius award “Free Press of Eastern Europe-2013”. This decision was motivated by a criminal case initiated against Guseinov. The journalist himself considers the ban of leaving country groundless.

June 17, 2013 12:36

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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