

December 05, 2013 02:42

  • Makhachkala, Dagestan. Source:, photo of Nikolai Belousov Dagestani resident Shamil Salatgereev sentenced to six months of corrective works

    The magistrate court of the Kazbek District of Dagestan has ruled on the case of the local resident Shamil Salatgereev, accused of stealing 1560 roubles, sentencing him to six months of corrective labour with deduction of 5% of his salary. The policemen, whom Shamil Salatgereev accused of torturing him, are still unpunished, said his advocate Sapiyat Magomedova.

December 04, 2013 23:22

  • Dagestani MIA suspects Children's Club "Amanat" of illegal educational activities

    As reported by the press service of the MIA of Dagestan, the Makhachkala-based Children's Club "Amanat" belongs to the Salafi community and is engaged in educational activities, for which it has no right. In its turn, the club administration argues that the policemen themselves violated the law by not allowing children to attend school art classes, which are not subject to licensing.

December 04, 2013 21:56

December 04, 2013 21:21

  • In Krasnodar, Mikhail Savva placed under home arrest

    During his trial under the embezzlement case, Professor Mikhail Savva will be under home arrest, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent reports. Let us remind you that Mikhail Savva was detained on April 12; and on November 29 his advocate Marina Dubrovina said that she saw no reason to extend the term of his arrest. However, on that day, the court ruled to extend his arrest till January 30, 2014.

December 04, 2013 20:26

December 04, 2013 18:40

December 04, 2013 16:24

  • Yusup Temerkhanov, sentenced in a high security colony, takes part in the court session in the case of murdering Yuri Budanov via video conference. Moscow, Russia's Supreme Court, December 4, 2013. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" Russia's Supreme Court upholds sentence to Budanov's killer

    The judicial board on criminal cases has dismissed the appeal complaints of the defence of the Yusup Temerkhanov, sentenced to 15 years in a high security colony for killing the former Colonel Yuri Budanov, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent reports.

December 04, 2013 15:07

  • Protest action with the demand to correct the new pension system since 2014. Yerevan, November 15, 2013. Photo by Armine Martirosyan for the "Caucasian Knot" Armenia's Parliament adopts introduction of new pension system since 2014

    The Parliament of Armenia has rejected, by a majority vote, the proposal brought by the oppositional factions of the "Prosperous Armenia", Armenian National Congress (ANC), Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) "Dashnaktsutyun" and "Heritage" to postpone – by one year – the implementation of the law on the mandatory accumulation pension system.

December 04, 2013 11:13

December 04, 2013 07:44

  • First tram in Volzhsky. Volgograd Region. Photo "Gorelectrotrans" employees in Volzhsky declare mass layouts

    The labour collective of the Volzhsky Municipal Unitary Enterprise (VMUE) "Gorelectrotrans" (in charge of electric public transport) have addressed their open letter to the Governor of the Volgograd Region Sergey Bozhenov, saying about the poor status of the enterprise and mass layouts. The letter was signed by 178 employees of the VMUE "Gorelectrotrans".

December 04, 2013 00:34

  • Sochi: 30 builders cannot get paid because of contractor-customer conflict

    A team of 30 builders who were involved in repairing the sanatorium "Izvestia" in Sochi, cannot receive their wages, because the directorate of the sanatorium failed to transfer money for the works performed, said the contractor's representative. In its turn, the customer's party asserts that the reason for non-payment is in poor quality of the works.

December 03, 2013 22:46

  • Orlov: safety of MIA employees in Dagestan depends on people's confidence in them

    The members of the Independent Trade Union of Interior Employees and Prosecutors of Dagestan, who took part in the roundtable held in Moscow, said that corruption and systemic violations of the law in the Dagestani Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) are among the main triggers of the rise of extremism and increased count of casualties among policemen.

December 03, 2013 21:56

December 03, 2013 17:33

December 03, 2013 16:55

December 03, 2013 16:23

  • Gubad Ibadoglu. Photo RFE/RL Growth of energy tariffs in Azerbaijan to increase prices in other spheres, experts assert

    In Azerbaijan, the increase from December 3 in prices for gasoline and diesel fuel has drawn criticism from the civil society and the opposition. They believe that the growth of fuel prices will trigger an avalanche increase in the cost of other goods and services and lead to deterioration of people's lives. Till present, official comments on the decision of the Tariff Council are not available.

December 03, 2013 12:20

December 03, 2013 11:00

December 03, 2013 05:23

  • Sergey Bobrov. Photo: Chechnya dismisses its ICRF Department head

    Major General of Justice Sergey Bobrov, the Head of the Investigating Department of the Investigating Committee of the Russian Federation (ICRF) for Chechnya, has been dismissed from his position. The appropriate decree was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin press service reports.

December 03, 2013 03:12

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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